Employing Patience (Tour Post & Review)

Book Title: Employing Patience
Authors: Saxon James
Release Date: May 31, 2023
Genres: M/M Later-in-Life Romance
Tropes: Bi-awakening, employer/employee, rich/poor, small-town
My Rating: 4.75/5 Stars



When it comes to regrets, I have none. My life is perfect. I own a bar, work hard, party harder, and smother my niblings in all the love they deserve. I don’t need to settle down, as much as my sister might want me to.

But then Joey Manning walks into my office and leaves me all but begging to give him a job … and wanting to give him so much more.

The self-professed straight man is in my head and while I know that I need to move on from him, my body isn’t getting that message. It doesn’t help that Joey is a grade A flirt who can banter with the best of them.

I’ve never had regrets. Not until Joey Manning.


The bills keep piling up and the pressure to get my sisters through college before we’re evicted is always on the back of my mind. Whoever said life was for living, clearly forgot that living’s expensive.

My default mode is stressed AF and working myself to the bone, and there’s only one person who gives me a break from all that.

Art de Almeida.

My boss.

The one man I shouldn’t flirt with, but I can’t seem to stop. I want to get under his skin. To leave him panting for me. Which wouldn’t be such a bad thing except that he thinks I’m straight, and I’ve never bothered to correct him.

I need this job.

But some days I worry that I need Art more.

My Review:

Employing Patience is the newest book in the Divorced Mens Club series, one that has yet to disappoint. I’ve been looking forward to this particular addition to the series for a while now. Art’s been a constant in the Divorced Men’s lives, as has his back-and-forth banter with Joey. I couldn’t wait to see how it would all play out in their own book. Thankfully, it was everything I was hoping for and more. It took me about a week and a half to read this—much to my consternation—because I was busy and could only read small snippets here and there. When I wasn’t reading, all I could think about was this book.

If I got nothing else from Employing Patience, I wanted all the tension. And I got it! In loads. It was so good. The pining and the tension mixed in with some of the softer moments when the two were with Art’s Niblings…it was just perfect. They both wanted each other so badly, but both were too stubborn to admit it. Instead, they made each other jealous and sent each other longing looks filled with so much sexual tension. It was everything I was hoping for with this dynamic and more.

Something else that was a lot of fun about Employing Patience was that both Art and Joey were a lot more than they appeared on the outside. Art seemed like the kind of guy to never be tied down by commitment who also lived really loudly and didn’t care who knew it. But in actuality, he longed for someone to call his own, and he was quiet about the really important things in life, which he preferred to keep private. Joey, on the other hand, seemed like the kind of guy who wasn’t fazed by much with a carefree attitude, when in reality, he was juggling two jobs and classes, while also trying to keep himself and his sisters afloat. Whether or not they realized it, both Joey and Art needed someone special in their lives, and they were the perfect ones for each other.

As always, the banter was top notch! Not just between Art and Joey (though that was truly spectacular), but also with the DMC group chat and between Art and Joey with their siblings! I was living for all of these moments and was always left laughing. I’m so glad we get to see the MCs from the previous books make frequent appearances because they all add something special to the series.

Overall, I loved Employing Patience. Art and Joey’s relationship is one of my favorites in this series, and I had so much fun following their journey. If you enjoyed the other DMC books, you’re bound to like Employing Patience too!

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.

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About the Author

Saxon James unapologetically writes happy endings for LGBT+ characters.

While not writing, SM is a readaholic and Netflix addict who regularly lives on a sustainable diet of chocolate and coffee.

Member of SCBWI.

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Check out my last blog post: Fake Dates and Mooncakes (ARC Review)

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